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Design and implementation of an In-Network Load-aware Fast Rerouting mechanism

Failures in communication networks affect the quality of the services running on the end-hosts. Although some applications may tolerate a certain delay to resolve the failure, others are highly latency-dependent and need fast solutions for traffic rerouting. Fast Rerouting (FRR) is a mechanism used to quickly reroute traffic upon failures completely in the dataplane. Although there are several works related to FRR, there is no current solution that considers the status of the network to define the backup paths. In this work, we benefit from the In-network computing and programmability to design and implement a mechanism entirely in the dataplane to define backup paths based on the load of the network. The mechanism should be aware of the status of the links in terms of, e.g., end-to-end latency to set the best backup paths. Upon a failure, our solution must fast reroute the traffic to such paths without the control plane help. We will develop the mechanism totally in the dataplane by using P4 and evaluate it using real minimalist scenarios as well as simulations.

Uso do HMAC para troca de mensagens seguras numa rede IPv6

Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um extensão aos protocolos IPv6 e NDP, de modo a permitir um processo de troca de mensagens NDP mais seguro, utilizando algoritmos de hash para identificar e autenticar os nós numa rede IPv6 sem utilizar algoritmos de criptografía assimétricos.

GT-ACTIONS: Ambiente Computacional para Tratamento de Incidentes com Ataques de Negação de Serviço

O projeto visa conceber uma plataforma computacional denominada ACTIONS, para identificação e tratamento em tempo real de ataques Distribuídos de Negação de Serviço (DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service). Além disso, devido à grande capacidade de mudança dos ataques DDoS, que assumem novas características, pretende-se desenvolver uma metodologia para adequar rapidamente os algoritmos para o tratamento de novas versões de ataques.




Switching Technologies

Undergraduate - Computer Network, Federal Institute of Paraiba, CSTRC, 2024

  • Link layer (Ethernet)
  • Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
  • Etherchannel
  • Security in computer network

Data Security

Undergraduate - Systems for the Internet, Federal Institute of Paraiba, CSTSI, 2024

  • Information security
  • Hash functions
  • Cryptography foundations
  • Symmetric cryptography
  • Asymmetric cryptography
  • Public Key Infrastructure
  • Transport Layer Security

Computer Network

Master - Information Technology, Federal Institute of Paraiba, Master IT, 2024

  • Computer networks foundations
  • Software defined network
  • Data plane programmability
  • Simulation and experimentation